Brighten Your Family’s Day with Exceptional Dental Care

Myofunctional Therapy in Nampa, ID | Family Dental Center - Scott R. Gardner, DDS
Family Dental Center – Scott R. Gardner, DDS, is committed to offering compassionate care that caters to all patients, regardless of age.
From the youngest to the oldest, we attend to every dental need. Located in Nampa, ID, our warm and friendly staff guarantees a welcoming visit, while our expertise ensures that you leave with a significantly healthier, brighter, more radiant smile. We provide exceptional care, whether you need a routine checkup or a restorative procedure like dental implants.

Dentistry That Feels Like Home

At Family Dental Center, we believe in the importance of instilling good oral hygiene habits from a young age. That’s why we offer specialized dental care services for infants and children, making their visits to the dentist enjoyable and educational. We provide a nurturing environment where kids can feel at ease while receiving the necessary dental treatments and preventive care to maintain healthy smiles for life.

We also understand that oral health needs change as we age. That’s why our comprehensive family dentistry services extend to seniors as well. Whether it’s routine check-ups, dentures, or other specialized treatments, our experienced team is here to ensure that seniors receive the highest quality dental care in a compassionate and understanding manner.

Family Dentistry

Routine Dental Cleanings

Regular dental checkups are essential for optimal oral health. They help prevent dental problems, detect early signs of issues, and maintain a healthy smile. Pay attention to the importance of routine checkups – they are vital to keeping your teeth and gums in great shape!

Infant Laser Frenectomy

A baby or infant who is tongue-tied or lip-tied may suffer from the condition much more than an adult. This is because, in infants, these issues can cause feeding difficulties. An overly tight lingual frenulum can cause problems with latching or swallowing, weight gain, and nutrition in nursing infants. In such a case, frenum removal, or at least a shortening through a laser lingual frenectomy, may be necessary to help your child eat and grow properly. The frenectomy for children and babies procedure is fast and painless, so it does not require anesthesia. An infant frenectomy is a minimally invasive procedure, and your child can resume feeding immediately with more.

Dental Fillings & Crowns

Dental fillings and crowns are essential for restoring teeth damaged by decay or trauma. Fillings prevent bacteria from penetrating the enamel, while crowns provide substantial protection and durability to maintain oral function and aesthetics.

Dental Emergencies

Sometimes, teeth become fractured by trauma, grinding, or biting on hard objects. In other cases, fillings, crowns, and other restorative devices can be damaged or completely fall out of the mouth. If there is severe pain, it is essential to call our office immediately 208-466-3239.

Pediatric Dentistry

Our office can provide care for the child’s oral health and hygiene. Particular emphasis is placed on the proper maintenance and care of deciduous (baby) teeth, which facilitate good chewing habits, proper speech production, and space for permanent teeth. We also evaluate growth patterns and provide intervention for optimal function and growth if necessary.

& More!

  • Root Canal Therapy
  • Dentures & Partial Dentures
  • Sedation Dentistry
  • Fluoride Treatment
  • Sealants
  • Oral Cancer Screenings
  • & More!
Dr. Gardner will be promptly notified in a dental emergency. However, if you do not hear back from us quickly, we request that you contact your local emergency facility for immediate assistance.

Cosmetic Dentistry

We all realize that having a healthy, bright, beautiful smile enhances our appearance and allows us to smile confidently. Thanks to the advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, we can improve our teeth and smiles with quick, painless, and surprisingly affordable treatments. Some of our cosmetic services include, but are not limited to:

Same-Day Crowns

With same-day crowns, patients can save time as the entire procedure is completed in just one visit. Additionally, these crowns are highly convenient as they eliminate the need for temporary crowns. The use of advanced CAD/CAM technology ensures precise and personalized fitting, resulting in a natural-looking and long-lasting solution.

Dental Implants

Dental implants provide permanent solutions to missing teeth, restoring the ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently. They preserve bone health, prevent adjacent teeth from shifting, and provide a long-lasting, natural-looking replacement option for improved oral function and aesthetics.

Orthodontic Care

Orthodontic care is crucial in correcting misaligned bites and straightening teeth. It improves oral function, enhances aesthetics, and prevents dental problems. With orthodontic treatment, individuals can achieve a healthy, confident smile that lasts a lifetime.

& More!

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Composite Fillings
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • & More!

Sleep Health

Sleep Wellness

Sleep plays an important role in overall health and wellness. We help our patients of all ages with non-invasive, non-surgical treatment options for the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea, snoring, and sleep-disordered breathing. Dr. Gardner will use the latest in dental technology to create a personalized therapy to restore your optimal sleep and breathing health. If you are suffering from restless sleep, contact us today.

  • Sleep Apnea
  • Sleep Apnea Appliances
  • Sleep Disorder Treatment

Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional therapy (often referred to as “myofunctional orthodontics”) is used to correct mouth breathing, thumb/finger sucking habits, incorrect tongue resting posture, tongue thrust swallowing patterns, sleep disorder breathing, and open mouth rest posture. Working with days old infants to correct tongue ties and improve optimal development.

Discover quality dental care for the
whole family – reach out to us today!

Discover quality dental care for the
whole family – reach out to us today!

Family Dental Center -
Scott R. Gardner, DDS

2065 12th Ave Rd,
Nampa, ID 83686

Get In Touch

Phone: 208-466-3239
Fax: 208-442-9541

Business Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday: 10:30 AM- 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM (By appointment only)
Saturday- Sunday: Closed